In a recent discussion, Lars Silberbauer, renowned for his work with Lego and the Olympics, explored the evolution of traditional marketing models. He introduced Karl Weick and his book “Sensemaking in Organizations.” Here is what Lars says based on Karl’s Weick’s book:
1. Sensemaking and strategizing – Sensemaking is less about following a rigid plan and more about interpreting and understanding the environment as it evolves.
2. Emergent strategy – Strategies always develop in an ad hoc manner as organizations respond to unforeseen events and challenges.
3. Small actions, big impact – Small actions can have a significant impact on the organization by setting patterns and accumulating the impact.
4. Retrospective understanding – Understanding comes retrospectively; don’t be afraid to change your campaign.
5. Loose coupling – Flexible relationships between different parts of an organization, allowing them to respond individually.
6. Continuous learning and adaptation – Learn from experience and adapt accordingly.
These points make so much sense in our world, where every second is unpredictable, and the ability to not follow a linear strategy but be able to change and accept that, in the end of the day, you cannot control everything can be the approach that is worth experimenting.
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